Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23289TrofastPanda ManBastard Lunatic41STR 143Act V+16 Studded Festooned Mithril Mail HelmAqueous Humor XVIII
23290DrickonPanda ManVoodoo Princess41WIS 114Act V+9 Studded Plasma VambracesRabbit Punch XXIIeverybody needs a little Drickon
23291YogslothHalf OrcBattle-Felon41CON 98Act V+22 Vorpal Heavy LanceLockjaw XV
23292urban getingBattle-FinchBastard Lunatic41STR 167Act V+24 Banded Studded Chainmail HauberkLockjaw Xpalle kuling ? nej du är en fånig balle fuling
23293SplutterBattle-FinchHunter Strangler41CON 132Act V+20 Studded Festooned Platemail GreavesHydrophobia XVI
23294Princess TheaDemicanadianVoodoo Princess41DEX 160Act V+17 Holy Cambric Kevlar GambesonRoger's Grand Illusion XIBut I'm a princess!
23295LordDeathManPanda ManBattle-Felon41DEX 142Act V+19 Gilded Studded Kevlar HauberkMulligan XVOn a scale of one to awesome, im super great!
23296Izlude_VICrested DwarfInner Mason41DEX 98Act V+5 Holy Cambric Plasma CuissesInvisible Hands XVII
23297dragon(black)Greater GnomeBattle-Felon41DEX 163Act V+19 Dancing Steely BandyclefHydrophobia XVIu teasing me cos im black
23298konet17Double HobbitBattle-Felon41STR 130Act V+4 Impressive Banded Plasma VambracesTumor (Benign) XIIIbir iki ütsch

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