Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23299ArchimageDung ElfMage Illusioner41INT 132Act V+17 Holy Studded Kevlar GambesonTumor (Benign) XIVApocalyp's Team
23300doidyEnchanted MotorcycleRuneloremaster41WIS 125Act V+24 Banded Custom Baroque ShieldLockjaw XVIIIdoidydoidydoidydoidydoidy
23301SuperFlyWookieDouble WookieeFighter/Organist41CON 108Act V+6 Banded Gilded Plasma HelmMagnetic Orb XIX
23302LobstermagnetBattle-FinchSlow Poisoner41CHA 151Act V+2 Fine Holy Plasma CuissesGood Move XXXMagnet made of Iron! Lobster made of MEAT!
23303AllgonehomeSkraelingBastard Lunatic41DEX 126Act V+24 Holy Festooned Tower ShieldEye of the Troglodyte XVIII
23304froudenDung ElfBastard Lunatic41INT 176Act V+8 Impressive Banded Diamond Mail BrassairtsGyp XXV
23305SolanarDouble WookieeMu-Fu Monk41WIS 142Act V+17 Studded Fine Titanium SolleretsGyp XIXAll Freaks ! ALL OF THEM
23306ChikkenzTrans-KoboldShiv-Knight41DEX 136Act V+6 Custom Studded Plasma GambesonAnimate Nightstand XV
23307Chimp111Double WookieeVoodoo Princess41WIS 173Act V+14 Festooned Custom Mithril Mail VambracesGyp XXIVChimp_With_Gun GONNA MAKE YA RUN!!!
23308ELM0Enchanted MotorcycleShiv-Knight41WIS 142Act V+24 Impressive Cambric Ringmail BrassairtsAnimate Nightstand XVIII

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