Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23348MeloniaDemicanadianRobot Monk41DEX 111Act V+15 Holy Studded Mithril Mail HelmSeasick XXXII
23349Thunder God CidHalf ManBattle-Felon41DEX 108Act V+9 Holy Banded Diamond Mail CuissesInvisible Hands XV^-^
23350MkshadowDouble WookieeRobot Monk41CHA 134Act V+16 Holy Custom ABS CuissesSadness XXII
23351VrukhDemicanadianUr-Paladin41CHA 185Act V+18 Gilded Custom Kevlar CuissesInvisible Hands XXIVI'm a comin' Wheezy
23352putsuPanda ManTongueblade41WIS 190Act V+8 Holy Custom Diamond Mail GauntletsClever Fellow XXI
23353MucktarCrested DwarfFighter/Organist40STR 123Act V+17 Studded Banded Mithril Mail CuissesHastiness XIXI may be short, but at least I am not tall!
23354rob6869Half ManShiv-Knight40STR 103Act V+15 Festooned Impressive ABS VambracesLockjaw XII am Power
23355Sil Al FinDouble HobbitBastard Lunatic40STR 133Act IV+15 Fine Impressive Platemail HauberkHoly Batpole XIItalian Loremasters
23356RavHalf ManUr-Paladin40DEX 112Act V+18 Custom Titanium GauntletsHydrophobia XII
23357OgnosticHalf ManMu-Fu Monk40DEX 90Act V+17 Studded Banded Mithril Mail HauberkEye of the Troglodyte XIIII shall smite thee in thy pie-hole!

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