Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23379Maniac_bkDouble WookieeUr-Paladin40STR 105Act V+12 Banded Cambric Diamond Mail GauntletsRevolting Cloud XXI
23380zahkarovTrans-KoboldUr-Paladin40CON 101Act V+17 Impressive Banded Platemail GambesonLockjaw XVIIIDefeating Octopi
23381Fru-fruPanda ManBastard Lunatic40CON 126Act IV+17 Festooned Cambric Kevlar GauntletsRevolting Cloud XXuhhh
23382The Iron ChancellorDung ElfPuma Burgular40STR 106Act V+19 Pronged Venomed BandyclefMagnetic Orb XIV
23383XyandrrDouble HobbitTongueblade40INT 133Act V+19 Fine Studded Platemail HelmAqueous Humor XVI
23384ShakerDung ElfBastard Lunatic40CHA 111Act V+5 Banded Custom Plasma HauberkBraingate X
23385FaeLow ElfVoodoo Princess40STR 163Act IV+13 Cambric Diamond Mail HauberkRevolting Cloud XIV
23386TruebackDouble WookieeMage Illusioner40STR 137Act IV+18 Studded Festooned ABS GreavesSeasick XXXII
23387Protector-PAEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic40DEX 160Act IV+6 Gilded Studded Plasma GreavesDropsy XHe ran to the Motorcycle
23388EJohnnyDemicanadianTickle-Mimic40CON 110Act V+23 Festooned Gilded Scale Mail HelmMulligan XVIIIACK!

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