Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23408Fucking HostileEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk40CHA 125Act IV+4 Fine Cambric Plasma GambesonLockjaw XIXÄäÄäääYyYYyyyyYyy!!!
23409AmpHalf HalflingUr-Paladin40CHA 123Act V+17 Festooned Impressive Splint Mail SolleretsRoger's Grand Illusion XI hope I don't get hurt.
23410Papa RoachSkraelingHunter Strangler40STR 90Act IV+13 Holy Banded Mithril Mail HelmCurse Name XTha Roach Masta
23411KarasHalf ManShiv-Knight40WIS 104Act V+11 Holy Impressive Mithril Mail GambesonMulligan XIIII sold my eye so I could see into all your souls
23412JawnTrans-KoboldBattle-Felon40STR 127Act IV+12 Fine Festooned Mithril Mail GambesonCurse Name XIII
23413PaulineTrans-KoboldSlow Poisoner40STR 108Act V+12 Gilded Studded Diamond Mail SolleretsBraingate XOnly 10 Gold For A Good Time!
23414MitnickPanda ManMu-Fu Monk40STR 140Act IV+5 Studded Holy Plasma GauntletsClever Fellow XIIINever fear... I is here
23415SwerveSkraelingShiv-Knight40CON 124Act V+17 Polished Vorpal BandyclefSeasick XXVIIWoobly Woobly!
23416OOOOHOHHDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic40WIS 142Act IV+22 Impressive Cambric Baroque ShieldSadness XVOOOOHHOHOOOOOOOOOOOOHOHOH
23417KeyDemicanadianBastard Lunatic40DEX 138Act V+17 Studded Festooned Titanium HauberkSpectral Miasma XVIII

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