Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23428Nardo PoloSkraelingHunter Strangler40INT 115Act V+12 Custom Impressive Mithril Mail GreavesLockjaw XIXNow with 20% more filler!
23429yippyskippyTalking PonyVoodoo Princess40CHA 103Act IV+4 Gilded Fine Plasma GauntletsInvisible Hands XVfetch?? ..but you just had me deliver that!!
23430DycedragSkraelingRuneloremaster40INT 113Act V+5 Custom Gilded Plasma HelmGyp XVIJolly Good Time!
23431FornicopiaEnchanted MotorcycleVoodoo Princess40INT 111Act IV+3 Impressive Studded Plasma SolleretsHydrophobia XVIIIAvast! Have At Thee!
23432RömppähirmuDemicanadianInner Mason40CON 159Act V+22 Polished Steely BandyclefCone of Annoyance XVII1 K33L J00 4LL!!!11
23433HarveeDouble WookieeBattle-Felon40DEX 154Act IV+2 Festooned Holy Plasma HelmClever Fellow XVII bite! I squeal! I run around my Wookie Wheel!
23434simexPanda ManRuneloremaster40INT 155Act IV+26 Serrated Heavy HalberdHydrophobia XIII
23435SharatonLesser DwarfBastard Lunatic40STR 116Act IV+9 Fine Cambric Diamond Mail SolleretsNestor's Bright Idea XXIICogito ergo sum. There are no idiots.
23436JanovCrested DwarfTongueblade40WIS 147Act IV+9 Fine Cambric Diamond Mail GauntletsLockjaw XIIIM-m-m-m-m-m-mITCHell!!
23437RazzleTalking PonyFighter/Organist40DEX 110Act V+6 Impressive Holy Diamond Mail GauntletsLockjaw XV

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