Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23458Dj TyKuSDouble WookieeUr-Paladin40CON 98Act IV+10 Studded Festooned Diamond Mail HauberkSpectral Miasma XIX
23459themanintheyellowhatDemicanadianBastard Lunatic40STR 132Act V+9 Gilded Holy Diamond Mail VambracesGyp XXIIIstill need to find a +3 Mithril yellow hat
23460KriekerDemicanadianShiv-Knight40STR 104Act IV+7 Impressive Gilded Diamond Mail BrassairtsSpectral Miasma XII
23461JeroneisthebestSkraelingHunter Strangler40STR 94Act IV+9 Studded Holy Diamond Mail GambesonMagnetic Orb XVIPERCY SUCKS.
23462CrapulaDung ElfUr-Paladin40CON 91Act V+16 Studded Impressive Kevlar BrassairtsSadness XXIV
23463PuddlePooTalking PonyFighter/Organist40WIS 107Act IV+25 Invisible Serrated BroadswordEye of the Troglodyte XVI
23464FlanelHalf OrcRobot Monk40CON 109Act V+17 Pronged Invisible BandyclefGood Move XXIIIeuuu... motto... vroum?
23465Samuel L. JacksonBattle-FinchBastard Lunatic40CON 104Act IV+13 Fine Festooned Mithril Mail BrassairtsSadness XIX
23466winsarcEnchanted MotorcycleVoodoo Princess40DEX 137Act IV+4 Festooned Banded Plasma HauberkClever Fellow XIII
23467HallanonDouble HobbitSlow Poisoner40CON 120Act IV+6 Cambric Gilded Plasma HauberkSpectral Miasma XVI

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