Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23529BillyBobTheThirdTalking PonyTongueblade40STR 85Act IV+15 Fine Gilded Kevlar BrassairtsSeasick XVIII
23530GrumdrigxDung ElfMage Illusioner40CON 146Act IV+9 Banded Custom Diamond Mail SolleretsClever Fellow XIhaha
23531HolymonkyHalf HalflingMage Illusioner40INT 105Act V+15 Banded Fine Titanium SolleretsSadness XIV
23532Crazy PoneyTalking PonyBastard Lunatic40CON 165Act IV+1 Impressive Festooned Plasma SolleretsAqueous Humor XXAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
23533ValinorHalf ManUr-Paladin40DEX 104Act IV+14 Custom Festooned Titanium HauberkCone of Annoyance XV
23534Slarty BartfastDouble HobbitBastard Lunatic40CON 89Act V+16 Fine Mithril Mail GambesonSpectral Miasma XIII
23535GrymHalf OrcShiv-Knight40CHA 101Act IV+18 Custom Studded ABS GambesonHydrophobia XXI
23536TenedilPanda ManSlow Poisoner40WIS 112Act IV+6 Banded Cambric Plasma BrassairtsCone of Annoyance XV
23537BurttHalf HalflingMu-Fu Monk40CON 164Act IV+1 Festooned Impressive Plasma HelmGyp XX
23538DuneraiderDouble WookieeFighter/Organist40STR 180Act IV+2 Banded Impressive Plasma HauberkHoly Batpole XIII

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