Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23538DuneraiderDouble WookieeFighter/Organist40STR 180Act IV+2 Banded Impressive Plasma HauberkHoly Batpole XIII
23539EnochHalf ManMage Illusioner40INT 108Act IV+15 Gilded Custom Mithril Mail BrassairtsDropsy XIUp The Iron!
23540FraCrested DwarfRuneloremaster40CON 179Act IV+5 Studded Custom Plasma VambracesVitreous Humor XIIIn the name of Vegetal the Vampyre...
23541Delirium[GT]DemicanadianBastard Lunatic40STR 125Act IV+21 Steely Heavy BandyclefCone of Annoyance XVIIIBleh!
23542OberonPanda ManSlow Poisoner40WIS 112Act V+14 Impressive Festooned Kevlar HauberkMulligan XVIbread to bread, wine to wine.
23543KamiKazeEel ManBattle-Felon40STR 120Act IV+17 Studded Custom Kevlar GauntletsGyp XIV
23544ZinzillinoDouble WookieeRobot Monk40INT 103Act V+16 Custom Holy ABS GreavesClever Fellow XVIIIFuck da World!
23545GeminusHalf ManHunter Strangler40STR 118Act IV+9 Impressive Studded Diamond Mail HauberkMagnetic Orb XVdeath to bacon elementals!
23546AsarHalf ManRobot Monk40DEX 112Act V+12 Banded Studded Diamond Mail VambracesGyp XX
23547EldrickDemicanadianBattle-Felon40STR 150Act IV+3 Banded Holy Plasma SolleretsSeasick XIIIf only I were truly Canadian :(

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