Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
23558ZarineTrans-KoboldHunter Strangler40WIS 161Act IV+7 Studded Gilded Plasma HauberkRevolting Cloud XX
23559AkronPanda ManBastard Lunatic40STR 157Act IV+16 Fine Festooned Platemail CuissesSpectral Miasma XIV
23560Killer FreakDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic40DEX 236Act V+22 Pronged Heavy BandyclefMagnetic Orb XVI
23561Artu the gnomeGyrognomeRuneloremaster40WIS 115Act V+8 Festooned Holy Diamond Mail HelmSpectral Oyster IX
23562Dingo BoyHalf OrcSlow Poisoner40STR 131Act IV+24 Holy Gilded Tower ShieldMagnetic Orb XIV
23563Vertigo2192Dung ElfVoodoo Princess40CON 188Act V+12 Studded Gilded Diamond Mail BrassairtsSeasick XXI
23564BunnyXTalking PonyVoodoo Princess40DEX 121Act V+16 Studded Holy Titanium HelmGood Move XXVSkwee skwee skwee!
23565KlocwerkGyrognomePuma Burgular40CHA 181Act IV+11 Impressive Holy Mithril Mail GauntletsMagnetic Orb XVIIIzoooooooooooom!
23566wanberstambSkraelingRuneloremaster40CON 210Act V+1 Holy Impressive Plasma VambracesInnoculate XXIIwanb, wanb, wanberstamb!
23567MorgothDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic40CHA 132Act V+17 Banded Cambric Mithril Mail GambesonAqueous Humor XX

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