Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
23986 | Twiddle Dee | Double Wookiee | Bastard Lunatic | 40 | INT 114 | Act V | +17 Festooned Banded Kevlar Cuisses | Good Move XXI | |
23987 | Messy | Will o' the Wisp | Inner Mason | 40 | DEX 109 | Act IV | +6 Studded Gilded Plasma Greaves | Holy Batpole XI | |
23988 | Shock | Dung Elf | Hunter Strangler | 40 | DEX 121 | Act V | +14 Impressive Gilded Titanium Helm | Invisible Hands XX | #bufflarna_flyger_i_luften |
23989 | half man sasha | Half Man | Robot Monk | 40 | DEX 121 | Act V | +14 Holy Festooned Titanium Sollerets | Rabbit Punch XXIII | |
23990 | Volumptua | Will o' the Wisp | Voodoo Princess | 40 | WIS 102 | Act IV | +4 Fine Cambric Plasma Gambeson | Rabbit Punch XVIII | |
23991 | Travis Dwarf | Lesser Dwarf | Tongueblade | 40 | INT 206 | Act V | +3 Fine Custom Plasma Hauberk | Hydrophobia XVII | |
23992 | Beat keith | Gyrognome | Bastard Lunatic | 40 | CON 130 | Act V | +10 Custom Gilded Diamond Mail Gambeson | Nestor's Bright Idea X | My name is Craig, I rape puppies! |
23993 | Villy Sørensen | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 40 | CHA 140 | Act V | +10 Gilded Festooned Diamond Mail Helm | Holy Batpole X | |
23994 | Short Pants McGee | Half Halfling | Shiv-Knight | 40 | INT 119 | Act V | +14 Impressive Studded Mithril Mail Helm | Lockjaw XIV | I'm a little man, and damn proud! |
23995 | Rataxus | Dung Elf | Mu-Fu Monk | 40 | DEX 156 | Act V | +15 Fine Studded Mithril Mail Greaves | Clever Fellow X |
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