Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
24062 | Amish Commie | Will o' the Wisp | Mage Illusioner | 40 | CON 92 | Act IV | +10 Studded Holy Diamond Mail Sollerets | Holy Batpole XV | How the heck do you play this game...? |
24063 | Pork Chop 2001 | Eel Man | Hunter Strangler | 40 | STR 170 | Act IV | +2 Banded Impressive Plasma Sollerets | Revolting Cloud XVII | Kiss my ass. |
24064 | Nimh | Dung Elf | Tickle-Mimic | 40 | WIS 130 | Act V | +5 Studded Fine Plasma Cuisses | Gyp XXV | |
24065 | Xezol | Talking Pony | Puma Burgular | 40 | DEX 118 | Act V | +24 Vorpal Vicious Zip Gun | Slime Finger XIX | |
24066 | Skeeter Chaud | Will o' the Wisp | Robot Monk | 40 | INT 120 | Act V | +16 Festooned Fine ABS Hauberk | Animate Nightstand XII | |
24067 | Bold 'n Spicy | Demicanadian | Inner Mason | 40 | INT 218 | Act V | +18 Banded Festooned ABS Helm | Curse Name XI | |
24068 | adrianwood3 | Enchanted Motorcycle | Runeloremaster | 40 | CON 95 | Act IV | +21 Custom Fine Baroque Shield | Dropsy X | |
24069 | xeya | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 40 | INT 124 | Act V | +5 Gilded Festooned Plasma Gambeson | Tumor (Benign) X | Zergs so powa!! |
24070 | King Adi | Half Man | Robot Monk | 40 | CON 148 | Act V | +3 Custom Holy Plasma Greaves | Mulligan XVII | defending the world against evil ninja ducks |
24071 | Keeska | Skraeling | Bastard Lunatic | 40 | WIS 136 | Act V | +18 Studded Custom Magnetic Field | Cone of Annoyance XIII |
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