Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
2488helixcodeHalf ManRobot Monk67INT 4717Act XXV+40 Impressive Holy Magnetic FieldMulligan CCCXXXI
2489ValtrexTrans-KoboldTongueblade67CON 4899Act XXV+38 Custom Cambric Diamond Mail SolleretsTumor (Benign) CCCXIXBeware the blue Jello!
2490zorfDemicanadianBastard Lunatic67INT 3320Act XXIV+41 Banded Holy Mithril Mail HelmHoly Batpole CCLXVViva La Holy Banded Scrotum
2491Incompetito SelfsbaneDung ElfVoodoo Princess67DEX 3347Act XXIV+43 Studded Impressive Magnetic FieldSpectral Miasma CCCXXXIIIPrime stat: CON 6!!!
2492El Pollo!Talking PonyHunter Strangler67WIS 2421Act XXIV+46 Gilded Cambric ABS GreavesRevolting Cloud CCCLXXXVII[ars] rules uptime quest!
2493KhalarHalf ManUr-Paladin67DEX 3990Act XXV+44 Fine Banded ABS GauntletsAnimate Nightstand CCCIIIWhat the hell is this blashphemy?!
2494GruntfuttockSkraelingMage Illusioner67DEX 4050Act XXIV+51 Holy Fine Kite ShieldHydrophobia CCCXVIIBeware the Jabberwock my son....
2495DaggsonEnchanted MotorcycleRuneloremaster67CHA 4965Act XXV+35 Banded Plasma GambesonNestor's Bright Idea CCCXXXVIblah blah blah
2496yoedelDemicanadianPuma Burgular67DEX 5714Act XXVI+31 Cambric Impressive Plasma CuissesClever Fellow CD
2497GyrolingusGyrognomeTongueblade67CON 2665Act XXIV+50 Holy Gilded Baroque ShieldInvisible Hands CDXXVIII

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