Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
24895 | Nebukadnezzar II | Eel Man | Robot Monk | 38 | CHA 89 | Act IV | +18 Invisible Pronged Poleax | Curse Name X | I am like totally protected from astral ninjas... |
24896 | Gaddiniddu | Panda Man | Voodoo Princess | 38 | STR 115 | Act IV | +28 Custom Banded Round Shield | Hydrophobia XI | |
24897 | Little Rob | Skraeling | Lowling | 38 | WIS 90 | Act IV | +6 Banded Fine Diamond Mail Brassairts | Mulligan VII | No, you declare YOUR motto! |
24898 | Snerka | Greater Gnome | Hunter Strangler | 38 | CON 82 | Act IV | +24 Steely Halberd | Nestor's Bright Idea X | Hail and kill! |
24899 | Over There! | Demicanadian | Ur-Paladin | 38 | INT 115 | Act IV | Festooned Holy Plasma Gambeson | Hydrophobia XII | |
24900 | epidemic- | Dung Elf | Ur-Paladin | 38 | CHA 102 | Act IV | +4 Holy Fine Diamond Mail Vambraces | Revolting Cloud XV | erm...beat Quid :D |
24901 | pyrotaod | Half Orc | Hunter Strangler | 38 | INT 88 | Act IV | +13 Holy Studded Titanium Greaves | Hastiness XIX | |
24902 | Raizlin | Low Elf | Mage Illusioner | 38 | WIS 141 | Act IV | +22 Banded Custom Ringmail Helm | Mulligan XIII | My vast intellect will rule the world! |
24903 | Phaid | Double Wookiee | Mage Illusioner | 38 | CHA 106 | Act IV | +13 Studded Festooned Mithril Mail Greaves | Aqueous Humor XVI | Nice guys come last ;) |
24904 | Muhaha | Skraeling | Inner Mason | 38 | INT 106 | Act IV | +12 Fine Studded Mithril Mail Gambeson | Animate Nightstand X | <================3 |
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