Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
2497GyrolingusGyrognomeTongueblade67CON 2665Act XXIV+50 Holy Gilded Baroque ShieldInvisible Hands CDXXVIII
2498ArcanasCrested DwarfRobot Monk67INT 3023Act XXIV+43 Banded Festooned Magnetic FieldClever Fellow CCCLVI
2499DevilhogDemicanadianVoodoo Princess67CHA 2501Act XXIV+44 Gilded Mithril Mail VambracesClever Fellow CCCLXXXVI am v00d00 Princess! F34|2 da h0g!
2500Titanium DragonWill o' the WispMage Illusioner67WIS 3133Act XXV+34 Festooned Plasma HelmGyp CDLXXIIINever let your roommate restart you computer
2501TwinkleTwinkleLittlePumaWill o' the WispPuma Burgular67DEX 5733Act XXV+44 Cambric Festooned Titanium HauberkInnoculate CDLXXXVIIIPuma!
2502outerspacepotatomanPanda ManBastard Lunatic67STR 3774Act XXV+52 Impressive Gilded PaviseAqueous Humor CDXXVIWait! I need stuff!
2503ZxcvbnmDemicanadianShiv-Knight67CHA 4922Act XXIV+41 Invisible Vorpal PoleaxRevolting Cloud CDIVSweet Zombie Jesus!!
2504jokkePanda ManHunter Strangler67STR 5246Act XXIV+41 Studded Impressive Mithril Mail HelmInnoculate CDXXXVIIIDestroy Belarus!
2505GulsenGyrognomeMu-Fu Monk67STR 2285Act XXIV+45 Custom Magnetic FieldInvisible Hands CDXIVNinjas are sooo sweet that I want to crap my pants
2506PappyTalking PonyMu-Fu Monk67STR 4110Act XXIV+32 Festooned Cambric Plasma CuissesClever Fellow CCCLVISometimes I wish I was Tiger Woods...

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