Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
25166 | NinjaMaster | Half Orc | Robot Monk | 38 | CON 120 | Act IV | +4 Festooned Plasma Cuisses | Slime Finger XV | |
25167 | Slim Pickens | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 38 | DEX 96 | Act IV | +7 Festooned Banded Diamond Mail Brassairts | Tumor (Benign) XII | Loose lips sink ships |
25168 | ShaKaka | Enchanted Motorcycle | Robot Monk | 38 | INT 82 | Act IV | Fine Custom Plasma Sollerets | Nestor's Bright Idea XII | |
25169 | Nimorden | Half Halfling | Voodoo Princess | 38 | WIS 94 | Act IV | +14 Cambric Impressive ABS Greaves | Mulligan XV | |
25170 | Cynthia | Enchanted Motorcycle | Voodoo Princess | 38 | CHA 99 | Act IV | +2 Gilded Custom Plasma Cuisses | Innoculate XIX | |
25171 | Absens | Half Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 38 | CON 103 | Act IV | +4 Impressive Custom Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Spectral Oyster VIII | Poo. |
25172 | TK-421 | Demicanadian | Inner Mason | 38 | CON 105 | Act IV | +8 Impressive Fine Mithril Mail Vambraces | Lockjaw X | The last 20 feet of the corridor are heavily sound |
25173 | 4-Port USB Hub | Enchanted Motorcycle | Shiv-Knight | 38 | CHA 74 | Act IV | +12 Holy Custom Magnetic Field | Innoculate XXI | <img src="http://www.goatse.cx"> |
25174 | mercury0920 | Half Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 38 | DEX 80 | Act IV | +12 Holy Festooned Magnetic Field | Gyp XVIII | |
25175 | Jarlaxle | Battle-Finch | Battle-Felon | 38 | DEX 83 | Act IV | +18 Custom Cambric Splint Mail Helm | Tumor (Benign) XI |
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