Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
2518MasterBlasterHalf HalflingRuneloremaster67INT 3157Act XXV+45 Banded Mithril Mail SolleretsLockjaw CCCLIIWho run Bartertown?
2519Justin CaseBattle-FinchHunter Strangler67DEX 5517Act XXV+42 Impressive Gilded Magnetic FieldHastiness DLXXXPQ GOOD! NAPSTER BAD!
2520MegapsykPanda ManBastard Lunatic67CHA 4965Act XXIV+49 Polished Heavy BandyclefBraingate CCLXXXIIIYou look'n a' me?
2521bizurnPanda ManTickle-Mimic67WIS 4331Act XXIV+44 Fine Cambric Magnetic FieldSpectral Miasma CDXXVI'm PRINTER-CRAZY!
2522AerraBattle-FinchVoodoo Princess67DEX 4367Act XXV+51 Invisible Heavy Bastard SwordInvisible Hands CDLXIVWorkin my way to the top, one trick at a time!
2523FishmongerDouble WookieeUr-Paladin67STR 3411Act XXIV+46 Invisible BandyclefInvisible Hands CDVIIII Smell a kitten!!!
2524ButtNuggettDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic67STR 2565Act XXIV+30 Gilded Fine Plasma VambracesBraingate CCLXXII
2525jesterguyHalf ManRobot Monk67DEX 3106Act XXV+45 Studded Impressive Platemail HauberkMagnetic Orb CDXVIFloat like a butterfly, sting like when I pee
2526Bob the DonkeyCrested DwarfPuma Burgular67DEX 2605Act XXV+35 Festooned Fine Diamond Mail HauberkAqueous Humor CDII
2527Dag GummitDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic67CON 5107Act XXV+35 Fine Custom Diamond Mail HelmMagnetic Orb CDXLVMovin' on up.

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