Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
25226 | Ansalon | Double Wookiee | Battle-Felon | 38 | WIS 84 | Act IV | +18 Cambric Kevlar Gauntlets | Eye of the Troglodyte XI | |
25227 | Lyckum | Eel Man | Tongueblade | 38 | CHA 116 | Act IV | +2 Cambric Holy Plasma Sollerets | Rabbit Punch XV | Lick 'em if you got 'em |
25228 | Kandayil Darksoother | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 38 | STR 96 | Act IV | +6 Studded Plasma Gambeson | Rabbit Punch XXII | |
25229 | John the butt trumpet | Half Man | Bastard Lunatic | 38 | INT 110 | Act IV | +11 Festooned Holy Mithril Mail Sollerets | Innoculate XIII | once i saw my parents having sex |
25230 | Nizin | Half Man | Mage Illusioner | 38 | INT 92 | Act IV | +17 Cambric Titanium Greaves | Tumor (Benign) X | |
25231 | Ra'lph | Skraeling | Runeloremaster | 38 | INT 108 | Act IV | +11 Custom Impressive Titanium Cuisses | Seasick XV | Not even us Skraelings know what the hell we are. |
25232 | Frodon't | Half Halfling | Slow Poisoner | 38 | INT 88 | Act IV | +22 Polished Dancing Lance | Nestor's Bright Idea IX | One porn elemental to rule them all... |
25233 | Munchbacca | Double Wookiee | Fighter/Organist | 38 | STR 100 | Act IV | +17 Invisible Vicious Poleax | Revolting Cloud XV | Rrrrrrrrrrrrrarrrrrgh times two! |
25234 | Zgwortz | Demicanadian | Tongueblade | 38 | STR 100 | Act IV | +9 Studded Banded Diamond Mail Hauberk | Innoculate XIII | Napalm sticks to kids! |
25235 | Fluffy the Terrible | Battle-Finch | Fighter/Organist | 38 | INT 123 | Act IV | +15 Studded Festooned Kevlar Gambeson | Mulligan XI | Underage Girl Scouts are no match for Fluffy! |
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