Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
25256 | Aqeldroma | Will o' the Wisp | Ur-Paladin | 38 | WIS 80 | Act IV | +14 Custom Fine Platemail Greaves | Magnetic Orb XIV | |
25257 | Tael | Skraeling | Voodoo Princess | 38 | INT 100 | Act IV | +13 Holy Banded Kevlar Gambeson | Mulligan XIV | |
25258 | Yurei | Low Elf | Runeloremaster | 38 | WIS 109 | Act IV | +10 Studded Cambric Diamond Mail Hauberk | Magnetic Orb XIX | |
25259 | ChaosBlade | Will o' the Wisp | Mage Illusioner | 38 | WIS 157 | Act IV | +14 Dancing Vicious Bandyclef | Gyp XVIII | |
25260 | AyaNeko | Will o' the Wisp | Puma Burgular | 38 | CON 94 | Act IV | +9 Studded Banded Diamond Mail Greaves | Lockjaw IX | Neko Neko Wai! |
25261 | Blargrog | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 38 | WIS 101 | Act IV | +11 Venomed Vorpal Bandyclef | Magnetic Orb XV | |
25262 | IrateAss | Gyrognome | Mu-Fu Monk | 38 | CHA 87 | Act IV | +4 Banded Studded Plasma Gambeson | Seasick XV | FUCK YOU ASSHOLE |
25263 | Maedros | Low Elf | Bastard Lunatic | 38 | DEX 83 | Act IV | +13 Gilded Fine Kevlar Vambraces | Vitreous Humor VIII | Believe in what you do, do what you believe in. |
25264 | Shaktu | Gyrognome | Inner Mason | 38 | CHA 97 | Act IV | +23 Banded Holy Pavise | Invisible Hands XVIII | |
25265 | Haldar | Panda Man | Bastard Lunatic | 38 | DEX 81 | Act IV | +16 Studded Gilded Kevlar Gambeson | Slime Finger XIX |
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