Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
2527Dag GummitDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic67CON 5107Act XXV+35 Fine Custom Diamond Mail HelmMagnetic Orb CDXLVMovin' on up.
2528Messo PotamiaDouble WookieeUr-Paladin67DEX 3625Act XXV+45 Cambric Festooned Kevlar GambesonRabbit Punch DLVMookie!
2529VituperoGreater GnomeTickle-Mimic67WIS 4506Act XXV+47 Banded Kevlar GambesonSeasick D/LFG
2530ZeliggPanda ManBattle-Felon67INT 5070Act XXV+49 Serrated Invisible HalberdRevolting Cloud CDX
2531SoulwoundWill o' the WispBastard Lunatic67WIS 4029Act XXIV+30 Holy Festooned Plasma HauberkHastiness DXLIHEHEHHE EYEM SEW MUVFUXN EREET
2532MagillaPanda ManRuneloremaster67INT 2878Act XXVI+39 Impressive Holy Titanium GauntletsRevolting Cloud CDXLIkneaded knight of knoram
2533Kevin Pang (a morono man)Double WookieePuma Burgular67CHA 5716Act XXV+40 Gilded Diamond Mail GambesonAqueous Humor CDXXDo I smell like coconut monkey?
2534LLxxGyrognomeFighter/Organist67WIS 2974Act XXV+47 Invisible Vorpal BroadswordSadness DLVBeware my Kung Moog.
2535Moof123Double HobbitPuma Burgular67STR 3119Act XXV+48 Banded ABS GreavesLockjaw CCCLXIDouble wookies are for Munchkins!
2536Gaerith HawkrisingPanda ManPuma Burgular67WIS 4349Act XXV+38 Festooned Cambric Diamond Mail HauberkMulligan CCXCVIIFish are in my pants

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