Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
25326 | FourTonMantis | Half Man | Shiv-Knight | 38 | CHA 99 | Act IV | +3 Impressive Holy Diamond Mail Vambraces | Magnetic Orb X | ROCKY MOUNTAIN OYSTERS! |
25327 | Jabberflickie | Double Wookiee | Hunter Strangler | 38 | INT 105 | Act IV | +13 Banded Custom Titanium Gauntlets | Nestor's Bright Idea XIII | Ned Niederlander! |
25328 | L33Tmaster | Half Man | Ur-Paladin | 38 | INT 93 | Act IV | +14 Banded Gilded Titanium Cuisses | Mulligan XIII | Ph34r my l33t n3kk1d sk1llz ! |
25329 | antsrkool | Enchanted Motorcycle | Slow Poisoner | 38 | CON 107 | Act IV | +2 Festooned Gilded Plasma Vambraces | Revolting Cloud IX | i like my sex like my music hard core |
25330 | MetalRex | Dung Elf | Bastard Lunatic | 38 | WIS 99 | Act IV | +19 Banded Cambric Splint Mail Helm | Holy Batpole XII | |
25331 | HamsterJoe | Battle-Finch | Puma Burgular | 38 | INT 117 | Act IV | +12 Gilded Impressive Kevlar Brassairts | Innoculate XVII | Give me Brightman or give me death! |
25332 | Buttfunk | Dung Elf | Mage Illusioner | 38 | DEX 79 | Act IV | +16 Cambric Festooned Magnetic Field | Rabbit Punch XIV | |
25333 | Nick58B | Double Wookiee | Inner Mason | 38 | STR 80 | Act IV | +12 Cambric Impressive Titanium Vambraces | Aqueous Humor XVI | what are we going to do today? |
25334 | Domo | Battle-Finch | Inner Mason | 38 | STR 152 | Act IV | +1 Cambric Impressive Plasma Hauberk | Lockjaw XII | |
25335 | Low Dow | Will o' the Wisp | Lowling | 38 | CHA 133 | Act IV | +6 Gilded Fine Diamond Mail Gambeson | Cone of Annoyance XIV |
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