Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
25415 | Kalabastin | Demicanadian | Battle-Felon | 38 | WIS 130 | Act IV | +17 Vorpal Pronged Halberd | Good Move XXV | |
25416 | Aina Macil | Dung Elf | Hunter Strangler | 38 | INT 86 | Act IV | +16 Gilded Studded Kevlar Greaves | Seasick XIX | There's no such thing as too much hamster |
25417 | Winwan | Half Man | Ur-Paladin | 38 | CON 96 | Act IV | +14 Holy Custom Platemail Vambraces | Tumor (Benign) XV | |
25418 | Smartie | Will o' the Wisp | Voodoo Princess | 38 | CHA 126 | Act IV | +23 Steely Poleax | Seasick XV | |
25419 | Ambersy | Skraeling | Shiv-Knight | 38 | WIS 97 | Act IV | +3 Holy Plasma Sollerets | Sadness XII | |
25420 | Gnoblin | Dung Elf | Puma Burgular | 38 | CON 86 | Act IV | +2 Impressive Plasma Gambeson | Magnetic Orb XV | I'm especially fond of worms. |
25421 | F off | Enchanted Motorcycle | Ur-Paladin | 38 | DEX 155 | Act IV | +4 Holy Fine Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Cone of Annoyance XIX | |
25422 | LudvigVanPanda | Panda Man | Fighter/Organist | 38 | CHA 91 | Act IV | +5 Holy Festooned Diamond Mail Gambeson | Sadness XIX | Slaughtertracks provided by Panda Inc. |
25423 | Nysander | Talking Pony | Puma Burgular | 38 | STR 129 | Act IV | +11 Impressive Custom Kevlar Gauntlets | Holy Batpole XIV | Fear the Donkey Punch!!! |
25424 | yippee!!! | Demicanadian | Tongueblade | 38 | CON 159 | Act IV | +1 Impressive Cambric Plasma Sollerets | Revolting Cloud X |
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