Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
26378 | Bufnutz corrupt | Battle-Finch | Bastard Lunatic | 37 | STR 77 | Act IV | +13 Festooned Mithril Mail Sollerets | Nestor's Bright Idea XII | |
26379 | Hairyballs | Double Wookiee | Bastard Lunatic | 37 | INT 93 | Act IV | +4 Impressive Gilded Diamond Mail Hauberk | Clever Fellow XII | I have this rash..... |
26380 | Keslain | Talking Pony | Bastard Lunatic | 37 | STR 82 | Act IV | +13 Pronged Vorpal Bandyclef | Magnetic Orb XVII | Horses may nay, but I go OOOOOGGGAAA @.@ |
26381 | Darkheart | Battle-Finch | Runeloremaster | 37 | INT 93 | Act IV | +9 Impressive Banded Mithril Mail Greaves | Sadness XIV | |
26382 | Alio | Demicanadian | Tongueblade | 37 | WIS 85 | Act IV | Gilded Fine Plasma Brassairts | Clever Fellow XI | |
26383 | Stoogith | Double Wookiee | Mage Illusioner | 37 | INT 113 | Act IV | +15 Cambric Holy Platemail Greaves | Hydrophobia XIV | |
26384 | Scunion | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 37 | DEX 114 | Act IV | +3 Cambric Gilded Plasma Helm | Gyp XVII | |
26385 | Kortalh | Low Elf | Mage Illusioner | 37 | DEX 87 | Act IV | +1 Cambric Fine Plasma Brassairts | Magnetic Orb X | |
26386 | BamseN | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 37 | STR 82 | Act IV | +1 Impressive Plasma Sollerets | Dropsy IX | |
26387 | Deedlyt | Will o' the Wisp | Voodoo Princess | 37 | INT 102 | Act IV | +14 Cambric Impressive Platemail Hauberk | Eye of the Troglodyte X | Ding! |
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