Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
26639 | Musstang | Crested Dwarf | Shiv-Knight | 36 | STR 93 | Act IV | +3 Studded Gilded Plasma Hauberk | Tumor (Benign) IX | Put that in yer Granny's pipe and smoke it! |
26640 | Bune | Panda Man | Ur-Paladin | 36 | INT 87 | Act IV | +15 Festooned Custom Chainmail Hauberk | Holy Batpole IX | true failure is only accomplished by pure incompet |
26641 | Frederick | Crested Dwarf | Fighter/Organist | 36 | DEX 77 | Act IV | +11 Fine Banded Titanium Gauntlets | Lockjaw X | In nomine patris, et filis, et Spiritus Liquors. |
26642 | Mumblelufagus | Demicanadian | Slow Poisoner | 36 | CHA 86 | Act IV | Banded Festooned Plasma Brassairts | Braingate IX | Pickle?! |
26643 | Jeryko | Trans-Kobold | Runeloremaster | 36 | DEX 91 | Act IV | +15 Studded Festooned Platemail Cuisses | Spectral Miasma IX | |
26644 | Liqur | Gyrognome | Tongueblade | 36 | CHA 82 | Act IV | +2 Holy Fine Diamond Mail Helm | Animate Nightstand XI | |
26645 | Ryder | Trans-Kobold | Mu-Fu Monk | 36 | DEX 74 | Act IV | +2 Custom Cambric Plasma Hauberk | Lockjaw IX | Where the hell are my pants!? |
26646 | Zarniwoop | Trans-Kobold | Robot Monk | 36 | DEX 77 | Act IV | +2 Custom Plasma Vambraces | Animate Nightstand X | Sucker MCs all call him sir |
26647 | Noise Tank | Panda Man | Bastard Lunatic | 36 | CHA 85 | Act IV | +7 Cambric Banded Diamond Mail Brassairts | Animate Nightstand X | I make things fall down. |
26648 | Harley Davidson | Enchanted Motorcycle | Runeloremaster | 36 | CON 91 | Act IV | Impressive Plasma Hauberk | Good Move XIII | Vroom vroom! |
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