Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
2737Duzit PhielgudTalking PonyMu-Fu Monk66DEX 4375Act XXIII+54 Cambric Festooned PaviseTumor (Benign) CCXXXVIPolly want a crack whore?
2738HegSkraelingMu-Fu Monk66CON 3074Act XXIII+31 Custom Banded Plasma HelmClever Fellow CCCXIX
2739XofrEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic66WIS 4939Act XXIII+34 Gilded Plasma HauberkInnoculate CDXLINo I WONT deliver this IOU!
2740My little bastardTalking PonyBastard Lunatic66WIS 2552Act XXIII+37 Holy Diamond Mail GreavesCone of Annoyance CCCXCIXall you ninja looters need to quit ks'n my shit
2741Vroom!Enchanted MotorcycleMu-Fu Monk66DEX 4016Act XXIII+42 Fine Mithril Mail HelmDropsy CXCVSnatch the sparkplug from my engine
2742MizuhoWill o' the WispMage Illusioner66CHA 2765Act XXIII+38 Gilded Studded Diamond Mail HauberkLockjaw CCCISaiyu sen jiko yo!
2743DawnBringerLow ElfBattle-Felon66WIS 4436Act XXIII+27 Impressive Holy Plasma GauntletsCone of Paste CCLII
2744TwatbugDemicanadianTongueblade66CON 2792Act XXIII+31 Banded Custom Plasma GreavesRevolting Cloud CCCXXIXCratch Scrotch
2745phalkonDung ElfMu-Fu Monk66DEX 4513Act XXIII+45 Holy Studded Platemail GauntletsCone of Paste CCXIIIPQ.....Even more fun than checking junk mail!!
2746MazzahDemicanadianTickle-Mimic66INT 3419Act XXIII+39 Impressive Holy Magnetic FieldBig Sister CCXIXLick my tounge

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