Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
2747NofTrans-KoboldRobot Monk66WIS 2826Act XXII+41 Fine Festooned Magnetic FieldInnoculate CCCLXXXVIISus aux pucelles! MADRIGAN'S TEAM
2748Hong Kong FuySkraelingMu-Fu Monk66WIS 3442Act XXII+38 Festooned Diamond Mail SolleretsBig Sister CCLIIAnd Hong Kong Fuy did it again!!...
2749maitre d ocresDung ElfMage Illusioner66STR 2772Act XXII+46 Cambric Holy Splint Mail GauntletsHydrophobia CCLXVIet la lumiere fut (Madrigan's Team Quies powa)
2750Dread Pirate RobertsDouble WookieeTickle-Mimic66CHA 2268Act XXII+38 Holy Fine Mithril Mail CuissesBig Sister CCXLI'm number 2244!
2751GalthasDemicanadianUr-Paladin66STR 3697Act XXII+34 Impressive Banded Diamond Mail CuissesHoly Batpole CCXXIISome day I'll be a REAL Canadian!
2752DrkSphereGyrognomeRobot Monk66CHA 4007Act XXII+46 Festooned Gilded Chainmail CuissesSpectral Miasma CCCXXIIIYou shall be as gods You shall be as gods
2753Tamir Ibn JadarPanda ManUr-Paladin66STR 4412Act XXII+41 Festooned Holy ABS HelmAqueous Humor CCCXXIt's a race! It's a race! I'm winning!
2754Flair The Reasonably TallLow ElfRuneloremaster66INT 3509Act XXII+43 Gilded Cambric Titanium CuissesGood Move CDXXXII*Gives the signal*
2755DeamosHalf OrcMu-Fu Monk66STR 1698Act XXII+40 Cambric Impressive Titanium VambracesHydrophobia CCCXFear the weave...
2756KizathCrested DwarfUr-Paladin66INT 2618Act XXII+37 Festooned Diamond Mail GauntletsBig Sister CCXLVIWhat you say?

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