Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
2757DojbenPanda ManRuneloremaster66WIS 3442Act XXII+51 Holy Banded PaviseMagnetic Orb CCCLXXVIWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2758fortytwoEel ManUr-Paladin66CHA 2710Act XXII+45 Gilded Holy Chainmail HauberkBig Sister CCIXWhen in doubt, trout.
2759Jodox ShmodoxGyrognomeTongueblade66STR 4283Act XXII+30 Custom Banded Plasma GauntletsHoly Batpole CCLII
2760Sir FallenTrans-KoboldFighter/Organist66STR 3342Act XXII+41 Banded Gilded Mithril Mail BrassairtsHydrophobia CCLXVII
2761TaircGyrognomeShiv-Knight66WIS 2261Act XXII+38 Fine Custom Mithril Mail SolleretsRabbit Punch CDXLVIIEh?
2762Felix the JermsTalking PonyPuma Burgular66CON 2243Act XXII+41 Festooned Banded Titanium GauntletsNonplus CCXVIJust imagine a good motto.
2763ArseNeckPanda ManBastard Lunatic66INT 5004Act XXII+40 Custom Holy Magnetic FieldBig Sister CCXLI
2764AggnotWill o' the WispMage Illusioner66DEX 3956Act XXII+43 Studded Custom Kevlar GauntletsBig Sister CCLXXXIAm I Here (Poof) Or Am I Over Here? Muhahaha Yo
2765SmackumdownDemicanadianRuneloremaster66STR 3069Act XXII+41 Fine Cambric Titanium GauntletsNonplus CCXXII
2766ig88bDouble HobbitHunter Strangler66CON 2699Act XXII+33 Holy Festooned Diamond Mail GreavesHydrophobia CCXCYes? I smell blood.

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