Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
27822 | Fx | Greater Gnome | Mage Illusioner | 35 | CON 78 | Act IV | +12 Banded Studded Mithril Mail Hauberk | Eye of the Troglodyte VII | |
27823 | HellRider | Enchanted Motorcycle | Hunter Strangler | 35 | CON 106 | Act IV | +9 Banded Impressive Titanium Helm | Innoculate XI | |
27824 | frenchie | Gyrognome | Tongueblade | 35 | STR 111 | Act IV | +10 Gilded Impressive Kevlar Gauntlets | Aqueous Humor VIII | gyrognome toungeblades rule, man! |
27825 | Wortolkim | Half Orc | Fighter/Organist | 35 | STR 82 | Act III | +7 Holy Festooned Mithril Mail Cuisses | Tumor (Benign) IX | |
27826 | Smelly Pants | Double Hobbit | Shiv-Knight | 35 | STR 109 | Act III | +3 Fine Gilded Diamond Mail Sollerets | Magnetic Orb XI | |
27827 | Zaf12 | Talking Pony | Bastard Lunatic | 35 | STR 103 | Act III | Holy Plasma Gambeson | Hydrophobia XI | |
27828 | Flatulance | Battle-Finch | Tongueblade | 35 | STR 94 | Act III | +7 Impressive Banded Mithril Mail Vambraces | Cone of Annoyance XII | |
27829 | Xeno_Zero_One | Half Man | Robot Monk | 35 | CHA 72 | Act III | +4 Cambric Holy Diamond Mail Sollerets | Mulligan XIV | |
27830 | Smasher-dhup | Enchanted Motorcycle | Slow Poisoner | 35 | DEX 87 | Act IV | +16 Banded ABS Cuisses | Good Move XII | War is easier when you don't have to do anything.. |
27831 | Gilgame | Half Halfling | Robot Monk | 35 | INT 84 | Act IV | +4 Studded Plasma Vambraces | Nestor's Bright Idea XV | I..AM...NOT....A.....MACHINE! |
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