Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
27837DeCastriesDung ElfBastard Lunatic35DEX 88Act III+11 Banded Cambric Mithril Mail CuissesVitreous Humor VIII
27838Get free killsHalf ManMu-Fu Monk35WIS 98Act IVFine Cambric Plasma VambracesMagnetic Orb XVI
27839El Ethan Anti-Canadian WarlordDemicanadianBastard Lunatic35WIS 67Act IIIStudded Custom Plasma GauntletsLockjaw XI
27840ProtiusCrested DwarfRuneloremaster35CHA 108Act IV+6 Holy Diamond Mail SolleretsAqueous Humor VIIWTF IS THE POINT OF THIS BLOODY GAME!??!
27841VelvetTalking PonyBattle-Felon35CON 92Act IV+12 Holy Cambric Kevlar CuissesInvisible Hands XWell, thats about raps it up for the Donkeys
27842JakalthHalf OrcBastard Lunatic35INT 81Act IV+12 Studded Custom Titanium GauntletsSadness XIIIOH SHIT !!!!!!!
27843HeegoDouble WookieeMu-Fu Monk35STR 97Act III+11 Studded Banded Mithril Mail GambesonSadness VIII
27844Qweefus FeltchersonTrans-KoboldShiv-Knight35INT 110Act IVFine Cambric Plasma CuissesEye of the Troglodyte VIBy far, the best Ass Kandy I've ever tasted.
27845FumfsfyDouble HobbitBastard Lunatic35CHA 94Act IV+21 Gilded Banded Ringmail HelmBraingate XI
27846TroldHalf OrcPuma Burgular35INT 68Act III+9 Cambric Holy Mithril Mail SolleretsSpectral Miasma VIII

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