Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
27847VlournDemicanadianMage Illusioner35CON 66Act IV+7 Fine Holy Mithril Mail VambracesMagnetic Orb XIII
27848MatthewCDemicanadianUr-Paladin35WIS 89Act IV+3 Gilded Plasma GambesonInvisible Hands X
27849Giant PenisDouble WookieeVoodoo Princess35CON 91Act IVGilded Custom Plasma GambesonGyp XIChelsea Plyler is way hot! ^_^
27850Hawk WingWill o' the WispVoodoo Princess35WIS 77Act IV+24 Serrated LanceHoly Batpole XIITalk to the hand 'cause I don't give a damn.
27851GikobTalking PonyBattle-Felon35CON 75Act III+1 Banded Cambric Plasma HelmHoly Batpole XDamn, 20 hours straight and only 23547th place
27852Lady DaxWill o' the WispRuneloremaster35DEX 83Act III+12 Fine Kevlar GambesonInvisible Hands XVIWatashi wa
27853FliggenTrans-KoboldVoodoo Princess35WIS 81Act III+8 Impressive Cambric Mithril Mail HauberkInvisible Hands IX
27854CharmeleanWill o' the WispMage Illusioner35STR 83Act III+2 Custom Holy Diamond Mail BrassairtsEye of the Troglodyte IXYAR!
27855AravorWill o' the WispMage Illusioner35STR 83Act III+11 Banded Studded Mithril Mail HelmHoly Batpole VIII
27856spinHalf ManRuneloremaster35WIS 98Act IV+17 Serrated Steely BandyclefCone of Annoyance XVI

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