Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
27877TzutuhilTrans-KoboldVoodoo Princess35CON 103Act III+15 Polished Vicious BandyclefGood Move XV
27878EthaEel ManShiv-Knight35CHA 87Act IV+15 Steely Vicious BandyclefRevolting Cloud XIV
27879GorroHalf OrcBastard Lunatic35STR 112Act III+13 Cambric Studded Titanium CuissesAqueous Humor XV
27880SubloserPanda ManShiv-Knight35INT 86Act IV+21 Gilded Holy Leathers SolleretsRevolting Cloud XII
27881KalixisSkraelingVoodoo Princess35DEX 133Act III+8 Festooned Fine Titanium CuissesHoly Batpole XII
27882ParzifalBattle-FinchUr-Paladin35DEX 77Act IV+18 Festooned Impressive Tower ShieldMagnetic Orb VIIITot allem Bösen
27883FestieDung ElfRuneloremaster35INT 71Act III+5 Cambric Holy Diamond Mail HauberkMulligan XIIII CAN'T TUrn it OFF!!!
27884bruiserHalf OrcHunter Strangler35CHA 72Act IV+12 Cambric Holy Kevlar VambracesGyp XVII
27885FutureViperOwnerDouble WookieeSlow Poisoner35INT 86Act III+12 Festooned Titanium GambesonMulligan VIIILong live RTFM !!
27886Katie the BestHalf OrcBastard Lunatic35DEX 102Act III+10 Holy Mithril Mail GreavesClever Fellow VIII

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