Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
27927CedricDouble HobbitRuneloremaster34CON 76Act III+2 Cambric Plasma HauberkGyp XVIIThse who think they know everything are insulting
27928Scottish FookheadDemicanadianTickle-Mimic34WIS 71Act III+9 Festooned Cambric Mithril Mail SolleretsBraingate IXWho says bad guys finish last? MWAH HAHAHHA
27929NarniahopperDouble WookieeRuneloremaster34DEX 71Act III+9 Holy Gilded Kevlar HelmInvisible Hands VI
27930dazHalf ManFighter/Organist34CON 116Act III+12 Holy ABS SolleretsSadness IXtort.
27931IvihPanda ManMu-Fu Monk34STR 73Act IIIStudded Gilded Plasma VambracesEye of the Troglodyte VI
27932Gentle Chinese Toilet SticksPanda ManUr-Paladin34STR 73Act III+13 Custom ABS HauberkAqueous Humor XIIII'll take my sticks in your @$$!!!!!
27933Turner2002Dung ElfUr-Paladin34STR 96Act III+3 Plasma VambracesDropsy VIIIMess with the best...die like the rest!
27934SpecTrans-KoboldBastard Lunatic34CHA 57Act III+6 Banded Impressive Mithril Mail VambracesNestor's Bright Idea X
27935PoliisiPanda ManMu-Fu Monk34CHA 121Act III+8 Fine Holy ABS HelmClever Fellow VIIIYour Mu-Fu is no good here
27936LivingDeathSkraelingBattle-Felon34DEX 79Act III+7 Fine Banded Mithril Mail GreavesEye of the Troglodyte VIILive To Die, Die To Live

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