Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
27967PANDAMANGEPanda ManMu-Fu Monk34CHA 99Act IIIImpressive Custom Diamond Mail SolleretsNestor's Bright Idea X
27968HAHAHA...LOLEel ManFighter/Organist34DEX 69Act III+18 Cambric Banded Scale Mail HelmHydrophobia XII
27969Willis o' Spongie DrapesEel ManHunter Strangler34CON 103Act III+3 Plasma HelmRevolting Cloud VIIIHoly Shit there is a squid crawling up the back of
27970AgnarDouble WookieeRobot Monk34CHA 64Act III+9 Impressive Banded Kevlar CuissesDropsy IX
27971Lee-LooWill o' the WispVoodoo Princess34CON 67Act III+15 Fine Custom Baroque ShieldHastiness VIII
27972LaceroEel ManBastard Lunatic34INT 67Act III+17 Festooned Gilded Scale Mail HelmHastiness XXThat's Lacero the Muppet to you
27973PwetTrans-KoboldTickle-Mimic34CHA 88Act III+4 Custom Studded Diamond Mail HelmNestor's Bright Idea XImy eyyiiiieeee! my tooooeeeeeeeeeeeee! owie!
27974DrunkenDwarfCrested DwarfRobot Monk34STR 128Act III+7 Impressive Studded Mithril Mail VambracesMagnetic Orb XVYet I am not a Yeti yet
27975spun-cityEnchanted MotorcycleTickle-Mimic34STR 68Act IIIStudded Banded Plasma CuissesLockjaw VI
27976killer798Half OrcFighter/Organist34STR 90Act III+9 Festooned Cambric Mithril Mail BrassairtsAqueous Humor VII

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