Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28007Flame LordTrans-KoboldSlow Poisoner34STR 66Act III+10 Custom Cambric Titanium HelmGood Move XIV
28008FatBastigeDemicanadianShiv-Knight34STR 72Act III+11 Holy Studded ABS VambracesGyp XVI
28009Sewer UrchinEel ManSlow Poisoner34STR 72Act III+2 Cambric Plasma GauntletsAnimate Nightstand IXYeah, definately
28010BalkirLow ElfMage Illusioner34WIS 82Act III+1 Gilded Plasma GauntletsSeasick VIII
28011James T KirkstoneDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic34DEX 65Act III+12 Fine Gilded Platemail GreavesGyp XIIof the Stoneship Magnetize. . . .
28012Folwald2Dung ElfFighter/Organist34STR 81Act III+3 Plasma BrassairtsMagnetic Orb VIII
28013TalekEel ManMage Illusioner34WIS 85Act III+3 Gilded Custom Diamond Mail VambracesGood Move XIIRP power !
28014Darks LinksDung ElfUr-Paladin34STR 130Act III+10 Custom Studded Mithril Mail SolleretsCone of Annoyance XVI
28015OAMLesser DwarfMu-Fu Monk34STR 71Act III+10 Cambric Impressive ABS GambesonRevolting Cloud XVMotto's are for the weak
28016Gum BoloPanda ManTickle-Mimic34STR 85Act III+15 Serrated Steely BandyclefMagnetic Orb XIVMagic happens.

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