Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28077Sexual-HarassmentPanda ManFighter/Organist34DEX 111Act III+10 Gilded Holy ABS VambracesGood Move XVII
28078FredsenHalf HalflingLowling34INT 80Act III+3 Plasma GreavesHastiness VIIIPouic !
28079RalyaHalf ManMu-Fu Monk34STR 74Act IIICambric Gilded Plasma SolleretsRabbit Punch VIII
28080PootleflarpTrans-KoboldHunter Strangler34WIS 60Act III+7 Impressive Gilded Titanium HelmInvisible Hands XIVPoing!
28081goddamitEel ManBattle-Felon34CHA 75Act III+14 Holy Splint Mail SolleretsInnoculate XX
28082HansemannDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic34WIS 79Act III+7 Studded Impressive Mithril Mail SolleretsSpectral Miasma Xph34r meh
28083DocWileyPanda ManBastard Lunatic34WIS 107Act III+10 Cambric Banded Mithril Mail HauberkMulligan X
28084ArmbargeGreater GnomeSlow Poisoner34STR 111Act III+3 Plasma GreavesMagnetic Orb VII
28085WizillHalf HalflingTongueblade34CHA 93Act III+9 Fine Mithril Mail CuissesGood Move IX
28086NiunWill o' the WispBastard Lunatic34STR 69Act III+6 Gilded Diamond Mail GreavesSeasick XVIIWhy did i sell the succubus bra?

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