Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28106LaekothHalf ManMage Illusioner34INT 60Act III+11 Gilded Mithril Mail HelmClever Fellow XII
28107NefirionWill o' the WispTongueblade34WIS 87Act III+7 Banded Impressive Titanium GreavesRabbit Punch XX
28108Wildcard Pn0yTalking PonyMu-Fu Monk34STR 79Act III+1 Studded Cambric Plasma CuissesLockjaw X
28109PipPanda ManMage Illusioner34WIS 75Act III+16 Pronged BandyclefCone of Annoyance VII
28110Big Steve The HomoeroticEnchanted MotorcycleShiv-Knight34CHA 100Act III+7 Impressive Festooned Kevlar GauntletsNestor's Bright Idea VIII
28111ChaulkFullaNutzBattle-FinchHunter Strangler34DEX 78Act III+1 Gilded Plasma BrassairtsRabbit Punch XV
28112PandaBoyPanda ManTickle-Mimic34STR 76Act IIIImpressive Festooned Diamond Mail HauberkRoger's Grand Illusion IX
28113Son of BoxEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk34STR 91Act III+4 Studded Custom Diamond Mail CuissesAstral Miasma IX
28114ListerDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic34CON 60Act III+2 Gilded Plasma GreavesHydrophobia VIIFetch me a curry!
28115UrielTrans-KoboldBastard Lunatic34CHA 71Act III+16 Pronged Dancing LanceCone of Annoyance IX

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