Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28166BulzebeHalf ManUr-Paladin34DEX 72Act III+19 Festooned Cambric Ringmail SolleretsVitreous Humor VIafter i kill you,im gonna kill you some more!!
28167ZukanDemicanadianMu-Fu Monk34STR 86Act III+1 Gilded Plasma HelmSpectral Miasma VIII
28168RykinCrested DwarfBastard Lunatic34DEX 108Act III+6 Holy Fine Titanium SolleretsBraingate VI
28169ardyDung ElfPuma Burgular34DEX 74Act III+3 Plasma SolleretsSpectral Miasma XII
28170LothDouble HobbitPuma Burgular34DEX 61Act III+8 Custom Festooned Titanium BrassairtsSeasick XII
28171Purring MeeperDemicanadianVoodoo Princess34WIS 64Act III+11 Studded Banded Mithril Mail BrassairtsNestor's Bright Idea VIIIMEEEP! *purrr* MEEP!
28172GrincheLow ElfRuneloremaster34DEX 85Act III+3 Plasma GreavesTumor (Benign) XIIINo Christmas For joo
28173fanciewanbDouble HobbitMu-Fu Monk34INT 69Act III+1 Banded Cambric Plasma HauberkMagnetic Orb XIIII'm a jolly lolly sittin' in a mally.
28174KasaiGreater GnomeUr-Paladin34WIS 71Act III+7 Fine Holy Kevlar HauberkHydrophobia IXAntelopes!!!!!!!
28175ChewtacoDouble WookieeBattle-Felon34INT 71Act III+14 Festooned Cambric Splint Mail GreavesInvisible Hands XIHan Solo Was ma Ho !!!

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