Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
2817Kir-ki-guardDemicanadianPuma Burgular66DEX 2601Act XXII+38 Fine Custom Mithril Mail VambracesHastiness CDLXXVDie! Swinehound!
2818UthracEnchanted MotorcycleTongueblade66STR 3573Act XXIII+43 Custom Studded Titanium GauntletsGyp We Need Builders!
2819MatticusTalking PonyShiv-Knight66WIS 4748Act XXIII+38 Studded Banded Diamond Mail CuissesGyp CCCLXXXIIIOoorgle.
2820KickinGlassBattle-FinchRobot Monk66DEX 4214Act XXII+44 Holy Banded Splint Mail SolleretsRevolting Cloud CCCXXXIVI am KickinGlass and TakinNames
2821BittermanCrested DwarfPuma Burgular66DEX 5041Act XXIV+41 Holy Festooned Kevlar SolleretsMagnetic Orb CCCXCVIIICheat to win
2822Rice-eaterHalf HalflingFighter/Organist66INT 2269Act XXII+56 Polished Serrated BroadswordRevolting Cloud CCCLVIIHey mayn!
2823Venerable +2Battle-FinchVoodoo Princess66WIS 4203Act XXIV+28 Fine Holy Plasma BrassairtsRabbit Punch CDLXVAge before everything
2824dogoneTalking PonyBattle-Felon66WIS 3117Act XXIII+35 Holy Gilded Diamond Mail SolleretsRabbit Punch CDXVIIme?
2825GrumbrigDemicanadianBattle-Felon66CON 2714Act XXII+44 Studded Banded Kevlar GreavesAnimate Nightstand CCXXXVIIIThere can only be me & my shadow!
2826MiniPatHalf ManRobot Monk66DEX 3959Act XXII+37 Gilded Studded Diamond Mail SolleretsNestor's Bright Idea CCLXXVII have a 3 1/2 in floppy, and 5 1/4 hard

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