Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
2827JasperGreater GnomeTongueblade66CHA 5245Act XXIV+30 Banded Fine Plasma CuissesClever Fellow CCCLVIII wonder if there is an ending to this all..
2828DextromethorphanTrans-KoboldTickle-Mimic66WIS 2288Act XXIII+43 Serrated Vorpal BandyclefGyp CCCXCVIWhere's my Social Security check?
2829Walkah-Lahka-Ding-DongTalking PonyTickle-Mimic66CON 3686Act XXIII+43 Pronged Invisible BandyclefHydrophobia CCLXXIII like bunnies
2830KebesisEnchanted MotorcyclePuma Burgular66STR 3493Act XXIV+47 Studded Gilded Platemail GreavesGood Move DXIIIVibrating dorfs scare me!!!
2831TarkDung ElfTickle-Mimic66WIS 3363Act XXIII+29 Holy Custom Plasma VambracesAqueous Humor CCCXLVIMotto? We don't need no stinkin' motto!
2832Foobarius the UnslaynDouble WookieeMu-Fu Monk66STR 4550Act XXIII+45 Custom Banded Platemail HelmSpectral Miasma CCCLVIIWanna spar?
2833djresonanceLow ElfUr-Paladin66CHA 2206Act XXIV+39 Fine Festooned Mithril Mail GreavesSlime Finger
2834FinderSEnchanted MotorcycleBattle-Felon66STR 2807Act XXIII+41 Festooned Banded Mithril Mail GambesonTumor (Benign) CCXLI like cheese...
2835LowLuluaDemicanadianFighter/Organist66WIS 3756Act XXIV+47 Cambric Holy Chainmail CuissesMulligan CCLXXXVIII'm not possessed, I'm inhabited.
2836CisrenTalking PonyMu-Fu Monk66DEX 2535Act XXII+42 Holy Mithril Mail BrassairtsNestor's Bright Idea CCXLVIIIEat hoof vile kritter!

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