Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28371DruidenDung ElfRuneloremaster34CHA 73Act III+8 Cambric Holy Mithril Mail GreavesVitreous Humor VI
28372Bob The Talking BikeEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk34STR 69Act III+8 Holy Custom Titanium GreavesSpectral Miasma XII wish I had a motto
28373DaetrinEnchanted MotorcycleMage Illusioner34WIS 78Act III+2 Studded Plasma HelmInnoculate X
28374blagBattle-FinchBattle-Felon34STR 93Act III+3 Plasma CuissesTumor (Benign) V
28375Dewerryn SoraxDung ElfMage Illusioner34STR 76Act III+9 Festooned Fine ABS VambracesRabbit Punch XXIISpare me thy chatter!
28376BuzzneonGreater GnomeBastard Lunatic34CON 71Act III+5 Studded Gilded Diamond Mail CuissesHoly Batpole XII'd rather be skiing.
28377Techno MageGyrognomeTickle-Mimic34INT 104Act III+10 Gilded Festooned Kevlar CuissesEye of the Troglodyte VIII
28378buzjoeBattle-FinchBastard Lunatic34INT 96Act III+20 Venomed Vicious BroadswordCone of Annoyance VIIVeer left, exploding penis dead ahead!!!
28379GodnataSLow ElfRuneloremaster34INT 75Act III+5 Gilded Cambric Diamond Mail GauntletsSeasick IX
28380']['urenHalf ManFighter/Organist34STR 83Act III+14 Holy Platemail VambracesGyp VIIIEver fought a losing Battle?

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