Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28430Snazzy TomEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic34DEX 75Act III+9 Gilded Impressive ABS CuissesRabbit Punch IXI eat the super cheese
28431BirdericHalf ManShiv-Knight34STR 81Act III+1 Gilded Plasma SolleretsMulligan VIIIHow the hell do i get to 3d!
28432HanrahanPanda ManMu-Fu Monk34WIS 79Act III+11 Gilded Mithril Mail SolleretsSpectral Miasma VI
28433FluffehLow ElfBattle-Felon34CON 89Act IIIBanded Studded Plasma VambracesSadness XIXFear the Almighty Fluff.
28434PamonhaPQEnchanted MotorcycleMage Illusioner34CHA 69Act III+5 Cambric Gilded Diamond Mail GreavesNestor's Bright Idea VIIPamonha has survived ! Yet Again!
28435DarthSchwesterDemicanadianTickle-Mimic34INT 70Act IIICustom Plasma BrassairtsNestor's Bright Idea VIIBehold my theme song! With KAZOOS!
28436WhatsdapointWill o' the WispBastard Lunatic34INT 82Act III+10 Fine Titanium HauberkNestor's Bright Idea XIReally, whats the point?
28437TeliaDouble WookieeTickle-Mimic34CON 79Act III+19 Polished Pronged HalberdAqueous Humor VIIICan I have a cookie and a hug?
28438KrimosEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic34STR 72Act III+5 Holy Diamond Mail SolleretsAnimate Nightstand IXSpoo eat Poo
28439OverlordQHalf OrcRobot Monk34DEX 80Act III+10 Serrated Vorpal BandyclefSeasick VIIIJimBob

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