Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28461Joe the PrincessHalf HalflingVoodoo Princess34STR 97Act III+12 Studded Holy ABS GauntletsCurse Name IXHuh? What?
28462SaolPanda ManRobot Monk34DEX 82Act III+11 Pronged Dancing BandyclefCone of Annoyance XI
28463Testosteron IIIBattle-FinchRuneloremaster34CHA 88Act IIIFestooned Plasma CuissesInnoculate IXThe weak shall........euhmm
28464RaxamonBattle-FinchVoodoo Princess34WIS 81Act III+9 Holy Studded Titanium HelmRabbit Punch XIII
28465BelgrathDemicanadianFighter/Organist34CHA 93Act III+9 Fine Mithril Mail VambracesGyp VIII
28466QaziEnchanted MotorcycleHunter Strangler34DEX 79Act III+3 Impressive Diamond Mail GauntletsMulligan VIIII love Ever.... I mean Progress Quest!
28467GerbylTalking PonyRuneloremaster34STR 67Act III+8 Banded Impressive Titanium HauberkAqueous Humor IXPonies cant talk
28468Dolla Dolla FortyDung ElfBastard Lunatic34STR 94Act III+9 Gilded Banded Mithril Mail BrassairtsDropsy IX
28469JuboliasBattle-FinchRobot Monk34STR 106Act III+3 Plasma GambesonRevolting Cloud VII
28470TuurrdHalf OrcTongueblade34STR 119Act III+8 Custom Banded Mithril Mail SolleretsMagnetic Orb VII

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