Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28500PolyphangleDouble WookieePuma Burgular34INT 71Act III+12 Cambric Festooned ABS GreavesHydrophobia VII
28501SilentKnightPanda ManBastard Lunatic34CHA 72Act III+11 Cambric Holy ABS VambracesLockjaw VIIShut Up And Die
28502Jager Der MorderDemicanadianPuma Burgular34CHA 82Act III+3 Impressive Diamond Mail VambracesSadness XIIIBling Bling
28503JoranSkraelingRuneloremaster34WIS 72Act III+11 Cambric Festooned Kevlar CuissesInvisible Hands XII
28504GriglydoEnchanted MotorcycleTickle-Mimic34WIS 72Act III+2 Fine Banded Diamond Mail GambesonRevolting Cloud IX
28505WekeCrested DwarfShiv-Knight34DEX 62Act III+15 Vicious Invisible Bastard SwordRevolting Cloud XWhats My Name!
28506HomogubbeEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic34STR 74Act III+3 Studded Plasma HelmDropsy IXBetter dead than giving head.
28507GitaBattle-FinchMage Illusioner34DEX 97Act III+10 Holy Mithril Mail VambracesBraingate XIDeath to Gita!!
28508Fortain al-DuvalCrested DwarfMage Illusioner34WIS 93Act III+7 Holy Custom Mithril Mail VambracesRabbit Punch XIXAll your base are belong to us!
28509Cousin ItPanda ManBastard Lunatic34CHA 100Act III+3 Gilded Festooned Diamond Mail GauntletsDropsy VIIRoar Like a small dog!!

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