Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28581GrummybearDouble HobbitInner Mason33CHA 88Act III+7 Fine Studded Mithril Mail BrassairtsNestor's Bright Idea VIII
28582xaldatinnGreater GnomeMage Illusioner33CHA 66Act III+5 Custom Fine Mithril Mail VambracesBraingate VI
28583ComaPanda ManRobot Monk33STR 73Act III+7 Festooned Gilded Mithril Mail GreavesRevolting Cloud IX
28584Archangel_Half HalflingMage Illusioner33STR 66Act III+6 Festooned Custom Mithril Mail HelmDropsy VIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee
28585CrappyDung ElfHunter Strangler33WIS 77Act IIICustom Holy Diamond Mail GreavesInnoculate VIII'm using cheat codes!
28586KelemCrested DwarfShiv-Knight33DEX 72Act III+6 Banded Holy Mithril Mail HauberkRevolting Cloud VII
28587DoucheWill o' the WispRuneloremaster33DEX 65Act IIIBanded Plasma VambracesHoly Batpole VIII
28588SamwaisCrested DwarfBastard Lunatic33STR 69Act III+11 Studded Cambric Titanium GreavesAqueous Humor IXEeaaargh!
28589sp00nzPanda ManUr-Paladin33STR 82Act III+9 Cambric Holy Kevlar HauberkAqueous Humor XII
28590Bangmaster9Half ManBastard Lunatic33CON 74Act III+18 Studded Chainmail HelmHydrophobia XIHalf man, half Yeti, ALL Subgenius!

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