Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28611RedRubberPanda ManBastard Lunatic33CHA 58Act III+8 Banded Festooned Titanium SolleretsClever Fellow VII am the great ooglie booglie
28612Darth OblivionHalf ManRobot Monk33CHA 86Act III+1 Gilded Plasma BrassairtsBraingate VIIIThe Legendary Sphere of Practicality will be mine!
28613Alton ibn AtTalking PonyTongueblade33STR 81Act III+12 Banded Magnetic FieldInvisible Hands XIII
28614Hoggdogg McSwinehundDemicanadianRuneloremaster33STR 89Act III+3 Impressive Diamond Mail GreavesMagnetic Orb XVIPointy head HalflingRuneloremaster33CHA 70Act III+17 Serrated Venomed LanceLockjaw XI
28616GolialSkraelingLowling33STR 69Act III+8 Fine Festooned ABS CuissesMulligan IXFear lives in us all...
28617BirkwoodLow ElfVoodoo Princess33WIS 74Act III+16 Venomed Serrated PoleaxAnimate Nightstand XMy chicken for a decent amount of kobold p....
28618KaninHalf ManMu-Fu Monk33STR 66Act III+1 Cambric Plasma HelmBraingate VII
28619Kaiou2Trans-KoboldHunter Strangler33STR 76Act III+2 Plasma HauberkHoly Batpole X
28620Niv David - Capoeira CDOWill o' the WispHunter Strangler33CHA 55Act III+10 Studded Cambric Mithril Mail CuissesGyp XI

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