Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28630BladeHalf ManMage Illusioner33INT 61Act III+2 Impressive Diamond Mail HauberkLockjaw IX
28631nateHalf HalflingMu-Fu Monk33CON 74Act III+17 Serrated Pronged PoleaxDropsy X
28632McBethCrested DwarfFighter/Organist33INT 66Act III+4 Studded Banded Diamond Mail BrassairtsRabbit Punch XVIIIFor I am McBeth...bow to tho lord
28633Kaodic ManHalf ManMage Illusioner33WIS 87Act III+4 Gilded Studded Diamond Mail GambesonEye of the Troglodyte X
28634Sir LuclinWill o' the WispFighter/Organist33WIS 70Act III+2 Plasma GambesonMulligan VIII
28635RangarHalf OrcBastard Lunatic33CHA 90Act IIIGilded Plasma VambracesHydrophobia VIII
28636Made In TaiwanSkraelingRobot Monk33STR 104Act III+17 Holy Gilded Tower ShieldSpectral Miasma XIV
28637biffCrested DwarfBattle-Felon33STR 86Act III+8 Fine Mithril Mail HelmSpectral Miasma VIII
28638Aon DukeTalking PonyMage Illusioner33CON 67Act III+2 Plasma HauberkInnoculate VIIEver pathetic, Ever fools.
28639MorvDouble HobbitSlow Poisoner33STR 77Act III+8 Fine Gilded Kevlar HauberkSadness XIV

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