Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28650AsphalothDung ElfHunter Strangler33STR 68Act III+10 Invisible Serrated BandyclefInvisible Hands XII will kill anyone!
28651MalakaEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic33CHA 76Act III+3 Festooned Cambric Diamond Mail GambesonRabbit Punch XVIII will crush soltariii and denyca!
28652CarolusPanda ManMu-Fu Monk33DEX 94Act III+18 Holy Banded Tower ShieldRevolting Cloud XWhaaaaaarg !
28653XAMHalf ManFighter/Organist33STR 67Act III+8 Impressive Fine Splint Mail HauberkAqueous Humor XI
28654AthelsanDung ElfUr-Paladin33STR 84Act III+9 Holy Studded Kevlar BrassairtsRevolting Cloud XIIRisus abundat in tabula rotunda
28655ZeligggBattle-FinchMu-Fu Monk33STR 65Act III+9 Banded Studded Mithril Mail HauberkHydrophobia XIISPOOOOOOOON!
28656Madison KainTalking PonyMage Illusioner33WIS 74Act III+23 Cambric Studded Kite ShieldBraingate XII
28657BetrandLesser DwarfPuma Burgular33INT 66Act III+5 Custom Diamond Mail SolleretsRevolting Cloud IXHuzzah!
28658My LittleTalking PonyInner Mason33STR 82Act III+8 Cambric Holy Titanium GreavesHastiness XVIProduce is Progress!
28659ScarabHalf ManRobot Monk33CHA 76Act III+16 Studded Splint Mail HauberkMagnetic Orb XII

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