Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28669MenhionDemicanadianMu-Fu Monk33STR 65Act III+1 Cambric Plasma GreavesMagnetic Orb XII
28670FlynchBattle-FinchBastard Lunatic33CHA 79Act III+9 Impressive Custom Platemail VambracesAnimate Nightstand VIIIWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
28671Chuckie MansonDouble WookieeBattle-Felon33CHA 61Act III+16 Cambric Fine Baroque ShieldRevolting Cloud IX
28672DermantiesDemicanadianBastard Lunatic33STR 90Act III+8 Festooned Holy Kevlar HelmCone of Annoyance X[Ars]Being a crazyed bastard since birth!
28673RunnybottomGyrognomeRuneloremaster33CON 78Act III+2 Plasma GauntletsSpectral Miasma IXRaid on the girlscout cookie warehouse tonight!
28674NONOCEEnchanted MotorcycleFighter/Organist33INT 61Act III+1 Cambric Plasma BrassairtsGood Move XIVc'est quoi une moto ?
28675FfiendDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic33STR 69Act IIICustom Fine Diamond Mail HauberkTumor (Benign) VIIIIt's all about the baalzebul pants...
28676BattlechodeGyrognomeTongueblade33WIS 102Act III+14 Gilded Fine Scale Mail HauberkNestor's Bright Idea VI
28677Doc HollywoodEnchanted MotorcycleRuneloremaster33INT 72Act III+9 Banded Studded Mithril Mail GreavesGyp XVGo Speed Racer!
28678LuckyLesser DwarfMu-Fu Monk33CHA 77Act III+12 Studded Banded ABS HelmGood Move XVITest

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