Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
2869 | Master Onwa | Double Wookiee | Mu-Fu Monk | 66 | CHA 3237 | Act XXII | +47 Cambric Studded Platemail Gambeson | Spectral Miasma CCCXXV | Understand the Flounder |
2870 | Nashiebear | Panda Man | Puma Burgular | 66 | CHA 3526 | Act XXIII | +35 Holy Gilded Diamond Mail Cuisses | Mulligan CCLXII | Power to the PandaBear |
2871 | Vulumptuous Vixen | Eel Man | Tongueblade | 66 | DEX 3145 | Act XXIII | +46 Gilded Studded ABS Gauntlets | Sadness CDXXXV | WHAT A COOL GAME!!! |
2872 | Dumply | Dung Elf | Bastard Lunatic | 66 | CON 2685 | Act XXIII | +37 Fine Diamond Mail Hauberk | Nestor's Bright Idea CCCX | chicken strips are good strippin chics are better. |
2873 | Lavhoes | Skraeling | Mu-Fu Monk | 66 | CON 2756 | Act XXII | +29 Impressive Cambric Plasma Sollerets | Eye of the Troglodyte CXCVI | |
2874 | Tark2 | Skraeling | Slow Poisoner | 66 | STR 4918 | Act XXII | +35 Fine Studded Diamond Mail Greaves | Mulligan CCLXIV | Strongest Skraeling in the land |
2875 | Temple Cone | Dung Elf | Bastard Lunatic | 66 | CON 2472 | Act XXIV | +32 Fine Impressive Diamond Mail Brassairts | Seasick CDXXI | |
2876 | PlayItAgainSam | Talking Pony | Fighter/Organist | 66 | INT 4286 | Act XXIII | +46 Gilded Fine Chainmail Gauntlets | Revolting Cloud CD | Of all the bars in all the world... |
2877 | Flashlight | Will o' the Wisp | Mage Illusioner | 66 | INT 2720 | Act XXIII | +30 Banded Holy Plasma Cuisses | Invisible Hands CCCLXXXIX | Duracel power baby!!!!!! |
2878 | Huhhuli | Double Hobbit | Bastard Lunatic | 66 | INT 2469 | Act XXII | +40 Vorpal Vicious Bandyclef | Invisible Hands CCCLXIX | Suomi Finland Perkele! |
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