Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28710AlfafaPanda ManBastard Lunatic33CON 91Act III+7 Banded Fine Mithril Mail CuissesInnoculate VIarf
28711rocjardEnchanted MotorcycleInner Mason33INT 90Act III+10 Fine Banded Platemail GambesonInnoculate XIIIu=suck
28712ShippoBattle-FinchBastard Lunatic33DEX 63Act III+9 Venomed Vorpal PoleaxEye of the Troglodyte VI
28713KAMAKAZIEnchanted MotorcycleShiv-Knight33DEX 74Act IIIGilded Plasma GreavesInvisible Hands X
28714JenesisBattle-FinchBastard Lunatic33CHA 73Act III+2 Banded Custom Diamond Mail VambracesAqueous Humor V
28715HirlandraDung ElfMage Illusioner33CON 66Act III+12 Studded Gilded ABS SolleretsTumor (Benign) IX
28716Kung Fu BobEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic33CHA 72Act III+6 Banded Fine Mithril Mail SolleretsMulligan VIII
28717RuPaulEel ManShiv-Knight33INT 85Act III+7 Banded Custom Mithril Mail GambesonDropsy VI am one sexy man-bitch!
28718Mighty SmutressDung ElfTongueblade33WIS 86Act III+7 Custom Impressive ABS HauberkNestor's Bright Idea VIII
28719Kid-PandaPanda ManPuma Burgular33INT 74Act III+11 Gilded Holy Platemail HauberkRabbit Punch XIXMore productive than SETI !

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